Thesaurus Indogermanischer Text- und Sprachmaterialien
Tocharian Manuscripts from the Berlin Turfan Collection:

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THT 0137


{Toch B 137\T III MQR 43}


- - mantanta ṣ no ////
//// ma-nta-nta ṣ^no (*) ////


.SA .ṢA ṢAñ PAlsko su ////
+SA +ṢA ṢA-ñ^PA-lsko su ////


ket rā yolo rītat[s]ī ////
ke-t^rā yo-lo rī-ta-t(s)ī ////


[p]l[ā]skaṃ ṣek ṣeKA KA ////
[p]l[ā]-skaṃ ṣe-k^ṣe-KA KA ////


lle KArtse PAlsko PAlskn. ////
lle KA-rtse PA-lsko PA-lskn+ ////


s[ne]ṃ toṃ ṣñ āñMAntse śl=allye ////
s[ne]ṃ toṃ ṣñ^ā-ñMA-ntse śl^a-llye ////


{Toch B 137\T III MQR 43}




sk. KAṃmane attsanā ////
sk+ KAṃ-ma-ne `a-ttsa-nā ////


t[e]KAnma KAntenmāsa ////
t[e]-KA-nma KA-nte-nmā-sa ////


- PAlskoy wtentse LA ////
* PA-lsko-y^wte-ntse LA ////


- ntsä treṅkalwacci ñyā[ts.] ////
* ntsä tre-ṅka-lwa-cci ñyā-(*) ////


- -taṢTAr ceÜmpa ////
* * ta-ṢTA-r^ce-Ü\mpa ////


- - tsirewñe mā [śi] ////
* * tsi-re-wñe mā (+i) ////


{nur geringe Reste}
(*) seṃ (*)

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