Thesaurus Indogermanischer Text- und Sprachmaterialien
Tocharian Manuscripts from the Berlin Turfan Collection:
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THT 0130
{Toch B 130\T III MQR 22 Frgm 8}
{nur geringe Reste}
//// śuwaṃ mālyak[e] ////
//// śu-waṃ mā-lya-k[e] ////
//// [y]y. [•] tumeṃ [.re] ////
//// [y]y+ tu-meṃ [+re] ////
//// tumeṃ weṢṢAṃ māka ////
//// tu-meṃ we-ṢṢAṃ mā-ka ////
//// [ye]s posTAṃ cai we ////
//// (*)-s^po-sTAṃ cai we ////
//// [mā] aikemaR\ a ////
//// (mā) `ai-ke-ma-R\ `a ////
//// PAs yes yace[R\] ////
//// PA-s^ye-s^ya-ce-[R\] ////
{Toch B 130\T III MQR 22 Frgm 8}
//// [ñ]ñ. m[ai]mtsa a ////
//// [ñ]ñ+ m[ai]-mtsa `a (*)////
//// [..s.] wrotse nā[ki] ////
//// (+s+) wro-tse nā-[ki] ////
//// nāñm yāmar mā ////
//// nā-ñm^yā-ma-r^mā ////
//// māk=onolmetS\ ////
//// mā-k^o-no-lme-tS\ ////
//// k [y]āmṣeñca p[t]ā ////
//// k^[y]ā-mṣe-ñca p+ā ////
//// pyāmtso on[o] ////
//// pyā-mtso `o-n[o] ////
{nur geringe Reste}
Copyright Jost Gippert, Frankfurt a/M 1997-2007. No parts of this document may be republished in any form without prior permission by the copyright holder.