Thesaurus Indogermanischer Text- und Sprachmaterialien
Tocharian Manuscripts from the Berlin Turfan Collection:

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THT 0095


{Toch B 95a\T III So 64.17}


tre ṣaiM\ kÜse no sū (rudramukhe brāh)[m](a)ne ṣai soy śano makce ṢPA yaṣṣāteñÄ\ se [ña] ////
tre ṣai-M\ kÜse no sū //// ////(*)ṇe ṣai so-y^śa-no ma-kce ṢPA ya-ṣṣā-te-ñÄ\ se [ña] ////


sā ñake yaśo(dhara ste) kÜse no su u[tta]re mñcuṣke [ṣ]ai se ña(k)e [rā]hul[e] st(e) || kÜse ////
sā ña-ke ya-śo-//// //// [kÜse] no su `u-(t+a)-re mñcu-ṣke [ṣ]ai se ña-(+e) [rā]-hu-l+ st+ || kÜse ////


te maṃt yaknesa //// //// (ñ)ñ(e) perneŚca skaināmane ////
te maṃ-t^ya-kne-sa //// //// (+ñ+) pe-rne-Śca skai-nā-ma-ne ////


sāksa yeS\ ṣam(ā)[n]i pa - //// //// [..s.] yaitkor po āñmtsa paṣṣaT\ te we ////
sā-ksa ye-S\ ṣa-m+-(+i) pa (*) //// //// (*) yai-tko-r^po `ā-ñmtsa pā-ṣṣa-T\ te [we] ////


ni pañäktentse welyñesa //// //// [o]m no ñake guṇasampa[d]e ////
ni pa-ñä-kte-ntse we-lyñe-sa //// //// (*)-m^no ña-ke gu-ṇa-sam-pa-(+e) ////


subhāṣitagaveṣi ñem(tsa) //// //// pi ślaukantse perne ////
su-bhā-ṣi-ta-ga-ve-ṣi ñe-m(tsa) //// //// [pi] ślau-ka-ntse pe-rne ////


{Toch B 95b\T III So 64}


//// saṃpa[d]e .e ////
//// saṃ-pa-[d]e (+e) ////


//// KAstweR\ so[.o] ////
//// (*)-stwe-R\ so(*) ////


{nur eine Spur}



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