Thesaurus Indogermanischer Text- und Sprachmaterialien
Tocharian Manuscripts from the Berlin Turfan Collection:

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THT 0094


{Toch B 94\T III So 93.13}


sa ptārka śconai wroccu wlo ////
sa ptā-rka śco-nai wro-ccu wlo ////


te ramT\ yāmṣateñÄ\ kRA ////
te ra-mT\ yā-mṣa-te-ñÄ\ kRA ////


ś kakamaṢ\ kleśanm[atS\] ////
ś^ka-ka-ma-Ṣ\ kle-śa-nma-tS\,(*) ////


śle witsakai PAsTÄ\ nkema(R\) ////
śle wi-tsa-kai PA-sTÄ\ tke-ma * ////


temeñce ette (ya)lyñene ////
te-me-ñce `e-tte (*) lyñe-ne (*) ////


//// ṣke || a ////
//// ṣke || [`a] ////


{Toch B 94\T III So 93.13}


//// cce pil[k.] ////
//// cce pi-(l+) ////


śpālmeṃ tsai[ñ.] - sa [p]īta ////
śpā-lmeṃ tsai-(*) * sa pī-ta ////


mai nta brāhmaṇeṃ kautsi [wa] ////
/45/i̯Tiotbx16u̯mai nta brā-hma-ṇeṃ kau-tsi [wa] ////


mukhe walo araṇemiṃ ////
mu-khe wa-lo `a-raṇe-miṃ ////


ṢPA lantuññana yärke[nta] ////
ṢPA la-ntu-ñña-na yä-rke-(n+) ////


pāKArtse ltu ṣañ yapo ////
pā-KA-rtse ltu ṣa-ñ^ya-po ////

Copyright Jost Gippert, Frankfurt a/M 1997-2007. No parts of this document may be republished in any form without prior permission by the copyright holder.