Thesaurus Indogermanischer Text- und Sprachmaterialien
Tocharian Manuscripts from the Berlin Turfan Collection:

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THT 0090


{Toch B 90\T III So 93.14}


//// tatwāṅkau tapovaṃ varttoś ya
//// [ta]-twā-ṅkau ta-po-vaṃ va-rtto-ś^ya


//// [KA]ry. .t. ñcÄ[\] alloKA kca stānasa ā
//// (*)-[ry+] [+t+] ñcÄ `a-llo-KA kca stā-na-sa `ā


//// llāw ram no [ā]rw[a] KArsnāmane ścireNAṃ
//// llā-w^ra-m^no (`ā)-[rwa] KA-rsnā-ma-ne ści-re-NAṃ


//// yane aruṇ[ā]vati riŚ\ sorromP\ ka
//// ya-ne `a-ruṇā-va-ti ri-Ś\ so-rro-mP\ ka


//// - yoK\ ente nai kca nesta ñke ñissa
//// (*) yo-K\ `e-nte nai kca ne-sta ñke ñi-ssa


//// [wa]rtto ynema[ne] reskeñÄ\ ysāra : a
//// [wa]-rtto yne-ma-(n+) re-ske-ñÄ\ ysā-ra : `a


{Toch B 90\T III So 93.14}


//// [ñ ra]mT\ ściri - [•] taññe cau yaitko
//// (*)-mT\, ści-ri * • ta-ññe cau yai-tko


//// [m.] lānt[n]e maiyyācce weR\ epiyac\
//// (m+) lā-ntne mai-yyā-cce we-R\, `e-pi-ya-c\


//// [..]kormeṃ i[s](ta)K\ traikane || tumeṃ
//// (*)-ko-rmeṃ `i-(s+)-K\, trai-ka-ne || tu-meṃ


//// || śle tremeṃ (brā)hmaṇe weṢṢAṃ hai ma
//// || śle tre-meṃ * hma-ṇe we-ṢṢAṃ hai ma


//// [.e]kau[na] kauṃ parki aksaune mā śwātsi
//// (*)-kau-(na) kauṃ pa-rki `a-ksau-ne mā śwā-tsi


//// t[e] sne wā ṣpinnau yan nai
//// t[e] sne wā ṣpi-nnau ya-n^nai

Copyright Jost Gippert, Frankfurt a/M 1997-2007. No parts of this document may be republished in any form without prior permission by the copyright holder.