Thesaurus Indogermanischer Text- und Sprachmaterialien
Tocharian Manuscripts from the Berlin Turfan Collection:
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THT 0086
{Toch B 86\T III MQ 23.6}
//// PAS\ śuwaṃ pt. - - - waste • ////
////(*) PA-S\ śu-waṃ pt+ (*) * * wa-ste • [||] ////
//// kentsa klāya || tane orotse kwasalñe[ṣ]ṣe ////
//// ke-ntsa klā-ya || ta-ne `o-ro-tse kwa-sa-lñe-[ṣ]ṣe ////
//// [r.ṃ] mcuṣkeṃ ścirona rekaunasa SKArrāmane weskeṃ ////
//// (*) mcu-ṣkeṃ ści-ro-na re-kau-na-sa SKA-rrā-ma-ne we-skeṃ ////
//// mañiye neS\ mā ṢP\ pāTAR\ lkālle neS\ || ////
//// ma-ñi-ye ne-S\ mā-ṢP\ pā-TA-R\ lkā-lle ne-S\, || ////
//// raṇemiṃ lānte ypoytse salyai lyutstsante ////
//// [ra]-ṇe-miṃ lā-nte ypo-ytse sa-lyai lyu-tstsa-nte ////
{Toch B 86\T III MQ 23.6}
//// te uttareṃ mcuṣkeṃ śauŚaṃ lāre soṃśka uttara [•] ////
//// te `u-tta-reṃ mcu-ṣkeṃ śau-Śaṃ lā-re soṃ-śka `u-tta-ra (*) ////
//// koynameṃ reki klyauṣiM\ || ate takāsta[ñ\] ////
//// ko-yna-meṃ re-ki klyau-ṣi-M\ || `a-te ta-kā-sta-(*)\ ////
//// KAlymiṃ sportoTAR\ mā Ṣ\ tañÄ\ koynameṃ lare ////
//// KA-lymiṃ spo-rto-TA-R\ mā-Ṣ\ ta-ñÄ\ ko-yna-meṃ la-re ////
//// kanivartaṃne || ñiśmeṃ tsrorsa larepi soṃśke ////
////(*) ka-ni-va-rtaṃ-ne || ñi-śmeṃ tsro-rsa la-re-pi soṃ-śke ////
//// lñeṣṣe PArmaṅsa - - - TAr nai la ////
//// lñe-ṣṣe PA-rma-ṅsa (*) (*) * TA-r^nai la ////
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