Thesaurus Indogermanischer Text- und Sprachmaterialien
Tocharian Manuscripts from the Berlin Turfan Collection:

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THT 0084


{Toch B 84\T III So 101.19}


//// ne yakṣ[ā]tsÄ\ ṣarnene taṣta[r]ñÄ\ ////
//// ne ya-kṣa-tsÄ\ ṣa-rne-ne ta-ṣta-[+ñÄ]\ ////


//// [TA]R\ lāntso lyelyakormeṃ wRA - ////
//// (TA)-R\ lā-ntso lye-lya-ko-rmeṃ wRA (*) ////


//// l(.)[o]cä || tū keklyau[ṣ]o ////
//// (l+o)-cä || tū ke-klyau-[ṣ]o ////


//// rya pratiṃ epiyacÄ\ ////
//// rya pra-tiṃ `e-pi-ya-cÄ\ ////


//// yeSAñ nauṢ\ pelaikne ////
//// ye-SA-ñ^nau-Ṣ\, pe-lai-kne ////


//// ttāwsa SArwānaṣṣe ////
//// ttā-wsa SA-rwā-na-ṣṣe ////


{Toch B 84\T III So 101.19}


//// arañcäṣṣu ṣaiyi ////
//// `a-ra-ñcä-ṣṣu ṣai-yi ////


//// y[i]T\ wenempa pkwalñe ////
//// y+-T\ we-ne-mpa pkwa-lñe ////


//// keṃtsa ktormeṃ au ////
//// keṃ-tsa kto-rmeṃ `au ////


//// nes=āṃtpi RAskre - ////
//// ne-s^āṃ-tpi RA-skre (*) ////


//// ntpi PAśne sāÜ taṣītr āl[īn](e) ////
//// ntpi PA-śne sā-Ü\ ta-ṣī-tr^ā-l+-(n+) ////


//// .m. sportītRA sauśke aumene e ////
//// +m+ spo-rtī-tRA sau-śke `au-me-ne [`e] ////

Copyright Jost Gippert, Frankfurt a/M 1997-2007. No parts of this document may be republished in any form without prior permission by the copyright holder.