Thesaurus Indogermanischer Text- und Sprachmaterialien
Tocharian Manuscripts from the Berlin Turfan Collection:

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THT 0068


{Toch B 68\T III So 97}


//// m. yw. [t.] ////
//// (m+) yw+ (t+) ////


//// kr(e)ñco : kÜse po camPAṃ
//// kr+-ñco : kÜse po ca-mPAṃ


//// [MA]ñ(ñ)e (udā)nalaṅkārne ////
//// (*) (ñ+) * * na-la-ṅkā-+ne ////


//// [ko]S\ takar[ṣ](kñ)[e] ////
//// (*)-S\ ta-ka-(r+e) ////


//// R\ aitsi ca[m](PAṃ) ////
//// (*) `ai-tsi ca (*) ////


{nur geringe Reste erhalten}
(ñe) (ri)


{Toch B 68\T III So 97}


//// eweta ta[rk.] ////
//// `e-we-ta ta (*) ////


//// lm[e(.)] PAsT\ [y.] ////
//// [lm+] PA-sT\ [y+] ////


//// . w (a)lyaiK\ tu [y.] ////
//// (*) * * (+w^a)-lyai-K\ tu (y+) ////


//// ścīre welñe tne p[a] ////
////* (*) ścī-re we-lñe tne pa ////


//// [.e]la pi(Ś)\ ////
//// (*) la pi-(*) ////

Copyright Jost Gippert, Frankfurt a/M 1997-2007. No parts of this document may be republished in any form without prior permission by the copyright holder.