Thesaurus Indogermanischer Text- und Sprachmaterialien
Tocharian Manuscripts from the Berlin Turfan Collection:

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THT 0050


{Toch B 50\T III So 64.12}


//// ri sārthavāhi : [ṣa] ////
//// ri sā-rtha-vā-hi : (ṣa) ////


//// perāKAññetse papā ////
//// pe-rā-KA-ññe-tse [pa]-pā (*) ////


//// .e ce cmelne śl=āl[y]e ////
//// (+e) ce cme-lne śl^ā-l[y]e ////


//// (ā)yorsa ////
//// yo-rsa ////


//// [s]su wnolme 72 ////
//// +su wno-lme 72 (*) ////


//// [s=ā]ttsaiK\ śauL\ śawaṢṢAlle ste ṣamāneṃtS\ : kÜse m. ////
//// [s^ā]-ttsai-K\ śau-L\ śa-wa-ṢṢA-lle ste ṣa-mā-neṃ-tS\ : kÜse (m+) ////


//// lanmeṃ kca : olypo osT\ lamaM\ tnek wes āyo(r) ////
//// la-nmeṃ kca : `o-lypo `o-sT\ la-ma-M\ tne-k^we-s^ā-yo ////


//// ña ślokrenTA pudñäkte : kÜse śāmñe kreñc ce [ś.] ////
//// ña ś[l]o-kre-nTA pu-dñä-kte : kÜse śā-mñe kre-ñc^ce ////


{Toch B 50\T III So 64.12}


//// ostmeṃ lantsiŚ\ ñyārsame soylñe sārśa ////
////(*) (*) `o-stmeṃ la-ntsi-Ś\ ñyā-rsa-me so-ylñe sā-rśa ////


//// [.p.] tsi : takarṣkñesa tne pel=ostaṣṣe rintsi [yā] ////
//// [+p+] (+i) : ta-ka-rṣkñe-sa tne pe-l^o-sta-ṣṣe ri-ntsi [yā] ////


//// nta śwātsi yoktsi leki sāṃtke : ost[w]=aiwe[n](ta) ////
//// nta śwā-tsi yo-ktsi le-ki sāṃ-tke : `o-st[w]^ai-we-[n+] ////


//// ñcalyi 77 w.ā .e ////
//// ñca-lyi 77 w+ā (+e) ////


//// se=sta[.e] ////
////(*) se sta-(+e) ////


//// [a]ñmassu : krent [n.] ////
//// [`a]-ñma-ssu : kre-nta ////


//// moṃ yaṃ lkātsi amāṃ kle ////
//// moṃ yaṃ lkā-tsi `a-[māṃ] kle ////


//// yolaiñentse ta[rya] ////
//// yo-lai-ñe-ntse ta-(r+) ////

Copyright Jost Gippert, Frankfurt a/M 1997-2007. No parts of this document may be republished in any form without prior permission by the copyright holder.