Thesaurus Indogermanischer Text- und Sprachmaterialien
Tocharian Manuscripts from the Berlin Turfan Collection:
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THT 0035
{Toch B 35\T III MQ 17.7}
- - - - t k. [m.] nte kākatsi : ////
* * * * tk+ (*)-nte [kā]-ka-tsi : [`au] ////
- - - [l..] yām[t]si [.ā] pewa ////
* * * (*) (*) (m+si) (*) p(e)-wa ////
- nta saim yes yamaṣaT\ ////
* nta [sai]-m^ye-s^ya-ma-ṣa-TÄ\ (*) ////
[m]ūlnta [naK]ṢTA[r..]ñ a[ñ.]Ä\ ne ////
(*)-lnta (*)-+ṢTA-(*) [ñ+]-+Ä\ ne ////
ññe kwri yesñ=āmar.e [k]l(e)śa(n)m(a) ////
ññe kwri ye-sñ^ā-ma-r+e (*)-śa-(*) ////
lalyñe ṣamāññe : cai pūdñäkte ////
la-lyñe ṣa-mā-ññe : cai pū-dñä-kte ////
kca [KA]lpāre cai śtarce pern=ārha[nt.] ////
kca [KA]-lpā-re cai śta-rce pe-rn^ā-rha-(*) ////
[MAn]trakk[ā] yäkne cene ////
(*)-tra-kk+ (+ä)-kne ce-ne (*) ////
{Toch B 35\T III MQ 17.7}
ṣk. mākā ñatsecce sanu[ñ]ñ(e) - yama[ske] ////
[ṣk+] mā-kā ña-+se-cce sa-nu-[ñ]ñ+ * (ya)-ma-(s+) ////
MAskeṃ [MA]ntaññeṃ ak[ā]LKÄ\ kselyñeṣ[ṣ]=ā ////
MA-skeṃ (*)-nta-ññeṃ `a-k+-LKÄ\ kse-lyñe-(+ā) (*) ////
kÜse mā PAsta TAttātRA wase ////
kÜse mā PA-sta TA-ttā-tRA wa-se ////
ysomo tot śāsantse ..etRA ṣe ////
/194/ yso-mo to-t^śā-sa-ntse (+e)-tRA ṣe ////
ot rano yā - kramtsy. ////
`o-t^+a-no yā (*) kra-+tsy+ ////
- - - yekte skeyeṃ ā[l]p. ////
* (*) (*) ye-kte ske-yeṃ `ā-(l)p+ ////
- - - - tñe we.i putereṃ ////
* * * * (tñe) we-(*) pu-te-reṃ ////
- - - - cew āltsi weña po ////
* * * * ce-w^ā-ltsi weña po (*) ////
Copyright Jost Gippert, Frankfurt a/M 1997-2007. No parts of this document may be republished in any form without prior permission by the copyright holder.