Rezian Katechism
Part No. 5
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Section: 5  
Sentence: 178   Credo.

Subdivision: 6  
Sentence: 123     J{. se verjen Boha Oggiò chà more uvsè * Creatorja od Nebba , anù od Semgnè .
Sentence: 124     
Anù jeshusſa Crishtusha gnahà samaha Sinu nashaha hospuda .
Sentence: 125     
Ti cha bil concepin od Svetaha Duha povit od Marie Vergine .
Sentence: 126     
Patel tàpot Ponzio Pilato .
Sentence: 127     
Bil gian na Chrish uvmar anù pogian .
Sentence: 128     
An nislisal do u Peclò * , te tretgni din an je uvstal od tih martvih .
Sentence: 129     
An shal un v' Nebbe .
Sentence: 130     
An sidj tana ti tesni od Boha Oggie cha more uvsè .
Sentence: 131     
Od an giè prit judicat te shive anù martve .
Sentence: 132     
J{. verjen Svetaha Duha .
Sentence: 133     
sveto Circou Chatolich, Communiun od tih svetih .
Sentence: 134     
Odpushgiagnie od hrihou .
Sentence: 135     
Uvstat spet s mison .
Sentence: 136     
Shiujust limar .
Sentence: 137     
Tachu bodi .

Next part

This text is part of the TITUS edition of Rezian Katechism.

Copyright TITUS Project, Frankfurt a/M, 14.8.2010. No parts of this document may be republished in any form without prior permission by the copyright holder.