Text collection: Gram. 
Birchbark Documents from Novgorod


On the basis of the original manuscripts
electronically edited (in transliteration and rough transcription) by
I.A. Gerasimov, A.V. Sannikov, and M. Yasinskaya,
Moscow 1999-2002;
TITUS version by Jost Gippert,
Frankfurt a/M, 11.8.2010


а   az
я   iotated az
б   buki
в   vede
г   glagol'
д   dobro
е   jest'
э   iotated jest'
Е   wide jest'
ж   živete
ѕ   zelo
ӡ   zeml'a
и   iže (octal i)
і   i (decimal i)
ї   i with two upper dots
і   decimal i without dot
к   kako
л   l'udije
м   myslete
н   naš
о   on
п   pokoi
р   rci
с   slovo
т   tverdo
оу   uk as a ligature
ѹ   uk as o + ižica
ф   fert
ѳ   fita
х   xer
ѡ   o (omega)
щ   šča
ц   ci
ч   červ'
ш   ša
ъ   jer
ь   jer'
ы   jery
ѣ   jat'
ю   ju
ѧ   small jus
ѩ   iotated small jus
ѫ   big jus
ѭ   iotated big jus
ѯ   ksi
Ѱ   psi
ѵ   ižica
ѡ   wide 'on'
ѡ·   narrow 'on' with inner dot
ѡ·   wide 'on' with inner dot
Ѫ   two-legged big jus
ѡт   ot, o with upper tverd'
^   before a whole word: the word is under a titlo
^   inside a word: the following letter is above the line
_   inside the word: the following letter is upperscript
.   point (period)
:   two points
.:.   four points as rhomb (.((
::   four points
+   cross (at the beginning of the text)
?   not reliable reading
!x   note a misspelling: x is misspelled; after '|' <...=...> misspelled letter = corrected letter
x/y!   writer changed x for y without striking out x
[...]   most probable reading
(...)   pure conjecture (original is not readable)
\\   sign separating importent parts of the text, more often used in registers
\   line boundary: beginning/end of birch (if needed)
=   hyphenation: the remaining part of word is continued on the next line
..., (...)   place of rupture
-   the letter lost, without possible conjecture given. Number of dashes = number of not identifiable letters

Misspellings, hyphenation, brackets and other non-letter signs eliminated.

а   az
я   iotated az, small jus, iotated small jus
б   buki
в   vede
г   glagol'
д   dobro
е   jest' with all variants
э   iotated jest'
ж   živete
ѕ   zelo
ӡ   zeml'a
и   iže (octal i)
і   i (decimal i) with all variants
к   kako
л   l'udije
м   myslete
н   naš
о   on with all variants, omega
п   pokoi
р   rci
с   slovo
т   tverdo
у   uk as a ligature, as o + ižica or ižitsa + o, big jus, ižitsa
ф   fert
ѳ   fita
х   xer
щ   šča
ц   ci
ч   červ'
ш   ša
ъ   jer
ь   jer'
ы   jery
ѣ   jat'
ю   ju, iotated big jus
^   inside the word: the following letter is upperscript
?   not reliable reading
x!   possible misspelling
x/y   two possible interpretations of the spelling
(...)   pure conjecture (original is not readable)
..., (...)   place of rupture
-   the letter lost, without possible conjecture given. Number of dashes = number of not identifiable letters

Note: in XVth century texts jer after consonants in word final position is eliminated for the simplification of transliteration (though it was not pronounced since end of XIIth -- beginning of XIIIth c.)

Document: 109 
No. 109
(end of XI - mid. of XII)

Version: f 
Line: 1    
грамота : ѡтъ жиӡномира : къ микѹле :
Line: 2    
кѹпилъ еси : робѹ : плъскове : а ныне мѧ :
Line: 3    
въ томъ : ѧла кънѧгыни : а ныне сѧ дрѹ-
Line: 4    
жина : по мѧ порѹчила : а ныне ка : посъ-
Line: 5    
ли къ томѹ : мѹжеви : грамотѹ : е ли
Line: 6    
ѹ него роба : а се ти хочѹ : коне кѹпи-
Line: 7    
въ : и кънѧжъ мѹжъ въсадивъ : та на съ-
Line: 8    
воды : а ты атче еси не въӡалъ кѹнъ :
Line: 9    
техъ : а не емли : ничъто же ѹ него :

Version: s 
Line: 1    
грамота отъ жиӡномира къ микуле
Line: 2    
купилъ еси робу пльсковѣ а нынѣ мя
Line: 3    
въ томь яла кънягыни а нынѣ ся дружина
Line: 4    
по мя поручила а нынѣ ка посъли
Line: 5    
къ тому мужеви грамоту е ли
Line: 6    
у него роба а се ти хочу конь/ѣ купивъ
Line: 7    
и къняжь мужь въсадивъ та на съводы
Line: 8    
а ты атче еси не въӡялъ кунъ тѣхъ
Line: 9    
а не емли ничьто же у него

Next part

This text is part of the TITUS edition of Birchbark Documents from Novgorod.

Copyright TITUS Project, Frankfurt a/M, 11.8.2010. No parts of this document may be republished in any form without prior permission by the copyright holder.