Menog-i xrad
Part No. 4
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Chapter: iv 
Sentence: 1    pursīd dānāg ō mēnōg ī xrad
Sentence: 2    
: kirbag-ēw kadām meh ud weh?
Sentence: 3    
mēnōg ī xrad passox kard
Sentence: 4    
: mahist kirbag rādīh ud dudīgar rāstīh ud xwēdōdah,
Sentence: 5    
sidīgar gāhānbār, čahārom hamāg-dēn,
Sentence: 6    
panǰom ēzišn ī yazadān ud aspinǰ ī kārdāgān kardan,
Sentence: 7    
šašom harw kas rāy nēkīh abāyistan,
Sentence: 8    
haftom hučašmīh ī pad wehān.

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This text is part of the TITUS edition of Menog-i xrad.

Copyright TITUS Project, Frankfurt a/M, 9.1.2021. No parts of this document may be republished in any form without prior permission by the copyright holder.