Minor Old Lower Franconian Monuments
Part No. 3
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Chapter: 3  
Psalm III.

Verse: 1  
Line: 12       Druftin, uuie gemanegfel\dide
Line: 13    
sint thia uuizonunt mih?
Line: 14    
manege anastandunt uuither mih.

Verse: 2  
Line: 15       
Manege quethent sêlon mî\nere:
Line: 16    
ne ist heil himo in gode
Line: 17    

Verse: 3  
Line: 18       
Thu geuuisso druftin in\fangere
Line: 19    
mîn bistu, guolîke mîn,
Line: 20    
inde up hevonde houvot mîn.

Verse: 4  
Line: 21       
Bit stimmon mînere ce go\de
Line: 22    
riep ik, inde gehôrda her
Line: 23    
mih fan berge hêligemo sînimo.

Verse: 5  
Line: 24       
Ik sclîp inde besuevit
Line: 25    
uuarth, inde up stuont, uuand got
Line: 26    
intfînk mih.

Page: He5  
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This text is part of the TITUS edition of Minor Old Lower Franconian Monuments.

Copyright TITUS Project, Frankfurt a/M, 27.11.2013. No parts of this document may be republished in any form without prior permission by the copyright holder.