Tatian, Gospel Harmony (Cod. Sang. 56)
Part No. 3
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Text: Ev.Harm.  
Capitulum: (I)  
Chapter: 0  

Ms. page: 25  
Sentence: 1     Link to gotnt
Section: Lc_1  
Canon: X  

Ms. line: 1    Quoniam quidem multi   Bithiu uuanta manage
Ms. line: 2    conati sunt ordinare   zilotun ordinon
Ms. line: 3    narrationem quae in nobis   saga thio in ûns
Ms. line: 4    completae sunt rerum,   gifulta sint rahhono,

Sentence: 2     Link to gotnt

Ms. line: 5    Sicut tradiderunt nobis    ûns saltun
Ms. line: 6    qui ab initio   thie thar fon anaginne
Ms. line: 7    ipsi viderant et ministri   selbon gisahun inti ambahta
Ms. line: 8    fuerunt sermonis,   uuarun uuortes,

Sentence: 3     Link to gotnt

Ms. line: 9    Visum est et mihi assecuto   Uuas mir gisehan gifolgentemo
Ms. line: 10    a principio omnibus diligenter   fon anaginne allem gernlihho
Ms. line: 11    ex ordine tibi scribere,   after antreitu thir scriben,
Ms. line: 12    optime Theophile,   thû bezzisto Theophile,

Sentence: 4     Link to gotnt

Ms. line: 13    Ut cognoscas eorum   Thaz thû forstantes thero
Ms. line: 14    verborum de quibus   uuorto fon them
Ms. line: 15    eruditus es veritatem.   thû gilerit bist uuâr.

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This text is part of the TITUS edition of Tatian, Gospel Harmony (Cod. Sang. 56).

Copyright TITUS Project, Frankfurt a/M, 15.10.2021. No parts of this document may be republished in any form without prior permission by the copyright holder.