Physiologus (OHG)
Part No. 7
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7. [De onagro.]5*
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Cod. Vind. (ÖNB) 223, p. 32r

Line: 72        [E]in6* tiêr heizzit onager, daz ist ein tanesil, der nerbellot nîh,
Line: 73     
uuâr uber daz fûter eischoie, únde án demo zuenzigostimo táge mércin
Line: 74     
sorbéllot er zuelf stúnt táges, zuelf stunt nâhtes: dar mag min ana
Line: 75     
uuizzen, daz denne nâht únde tâc ebinlanc sínt. Ter ónager bezeíchenet
Line: 76     
tén fiênt; der tac undiu naht bezeichenet di dir rêhto uuerchon sulin
Line: 77     
táges unde náhtes.

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This text is part of the TITUS edition of Physiologus (OHG).

Copyright TITUS Project, Frankfurt a/M, 1.6.2018. No parts of this document may be republished in any form without prior permission by the copyright holder.