Author: Mazv. 
Martynas Mažvydas
Book: FC 
Forma Chrikstima (1559)

On the basis of the original edition
prepared for the TITUS collection
by Diego Ardoino,
Frankfurt a/M 2013;
TITUS version by Jost Gippert,
Frankfurt a/M, 17.11.2013 / 29.7.2014

Part: Tit. 
Page: 1 
Line: 1    
Line: 2    

Line: 3    
Kaip Baſʒnicʒas Iſtati=
Line: 4    
Hertʒikiſtes Pruſu /
Line: 5    
ir kitoſu ʒ́emeſu lai=
Line: 6    
koma ira.

Line: 7    
Drukawot Karalaucʒui
Line: 8    
per Jona Daubmana /
Line: 9    
Metu Chriſtaus
Line: 10    

Page: 2  
Line: 1    
Ephe. 4.
Line: 2    
Vnus Dominus, una fides, unũ
Line: 3    
Baptiſma, Vnus Deus & Pater
Line: 4    
omnium, qui ſuper omnes, & per
Line: 5    
omnia, & in omnibus nobis.

Line: 6    
Timo. 4.
Line: 7    
Pietas ad omnia utilis eſt.
Line: 8    
Pabaſʒniſta wiſſam naudin=
Line: 9    
ga eſt.

Next part

This text is part of the TITUS edition of Mazvydas, Forma Chrikstima.

Copyright TITUS Project, Frankfurt a/M, 29.7.2014. No parts of this document may be republished in any form without prior permission by the copyright holder.