Author: Matr. 
Luka Matrënga (Luca Matranga)

Text: Dottr. 
Dottrina Christiana (1592)


E Mbsuame e Krështerë

On the basis
of the edition by
Matteo Sciambra,
La 'Dottrina Cristiana' Albanese di Luca Matranga.
Riproduzione, traduzione e commento del Codice Barberini Latino 3454,
Città del Vaticano, 1964;
electronically prepared by Michiel de Vaan,
Leiden 2004;
TITUS version by Jost Gippert,
Frankfurt a/M, 15.6.2010

The text is transmitted in three versions, C1, C2 and C3, which are bound in one volume. Here, only version C1 will be given, which is the original version by Luca Matranga, probably written by his own hand (Sciambra 1964: XXVIff.).

The text below contains:
   1. The transliteration of the original Albanian and Italian text, on the basis of the photographs in Sciambra's edition. The Albanian text is given in the same layout as in the manuscript, the Italian text does not exactly follow all the line breaks as in the manuscript. In the Albanian text, M. means Miestræ ('Teacher') and Im. means Imbsuam ('Pupil').
   2. A pseudo-phonological interpretation of the Albanian, on the basis of the modern spelling of Albanian; I reproduce Sciambra's interpretation. This interpretation is given interlinearly and typed in slanted letters.

   The folio numbers of the original volume will be indicated, as well as line breaks. Line breaks which are indicated by Matranga himself have the sign =. Line breaks which are not indicated in the original version have the sign -.
   The form of Matranga's accent marks varies: they can look like a grave (ʽ), an acute (ʽ) or an ictus mark ('). In fact, they only indicate the place of the ictus. I will transliterate all accent marks as acute.

[N.B. The following letters have been substituted in the present TITUS edition:
   r-hacek by ŕ;
   æ-acute by æʽ. J.G.]

Part: Pref. 
Preface in the volume (as given by Sciambra 1964: XXV)

Page: XXV 
Line: 1    
Line: 2    
Line: 3    
BAEAERAE per tae Urtaenae Atae Ladesmae
Line: 4    
sciochiaeriet Jesusit.
Line: 5    
E prierrae laetireiet mbae gluchae tae
Line: 6    
arbaeresciae paer Lecae Matraengnae
Line: 7    
Imbsuam i Cullegit Graecae tae
Line: 8    

Next part

This text is part of the TITUS edition of Matranga, Dottrina.

Copyright TITUS Project, Frankfurt a/M, 25.7.2010. No parts of this document may be republished in any form without prior permission by the copyright holder.