Text collection: SM 
Svan Texts
Volume: 10/2 
published in

Sbornik Materialov dlya opisaniya mestnostey i plemen Kavkaza

(Vols. X, XVIII, and XXXI)

On the basis of the editions published in
Изданiе Управленiя Кавказскаго Учебнаго Округа,
выпуcкъ десятый / восемнадцатый / тридцать первый,
Тифлисъ: Типографiя канцелярiи Главноначальствующаго гражданскою частiю на Кавказѣ
1890 / 1894 / 1902

entered by J. Gippert (vol. X/2),
Berlin / Bamberg, 1986-1993,
and Nino Naḳani,
Dialectological Research Institute,
Aḳaḳi C̣ereteli University,
Kutaisi, 2002;
ARMAZI version by Jost Gippert,
Frankfurt a/M, 18.9.2002

[All Svan texts were retranscribed from the Russian transcription systems used in the Sbornik. Adaptations and corrections are marked by an asterisk, *. The song texts published by A. Stoyanov (AS) and A. Gren (AG) are represented both in a pure transliteration (provided by Nino Naḳani) and an interpretative transcription (provided by Jost Gippert). Russian translations have not yet been fully aligned with the Svan texts; Russian orthography was adapted to modern usage. J.G.]

Abbreviations of editors' names:
   AG   A.N. Gren
   AS   A.I. Stoyanov
   BN   Besarion Nižaraʒe
   GN   G. Nižaraʒe
   IN   Ivane Nižaraʒe
   DM   D. Margiani
   VT   Vasiliy Yakovlevič Tepcov

Text: BN1/Ushg. 

Page: 2 
Line: 1    
მი-ამ საკვრელის ხოსგჷდი:
Line: 2    
შდუგულდ შდუხურის აქაჩი,
Line: 3    
მუღვშირ ლაჴანის ხობჷდა,
Line: 4    
ერსკნოლ ლაბჷრგის ხეჭამდა,
Line: 5    
დაშდულდ* ვიდის ხეთუნთალე,
Line: 6    
ნეზვილდ ითქის ხელეჩე.

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This text is part of the TITUS edition of Svan Texts (from Sbornik Materialov).

Copyright TITUS Project, Frankfurt a/M, 24.1.2010. No parts of this document may be republished in any form without prior permission by the copyright holder.