Balochi / Le baloutchi
Sources / Quellen:
List of grammars, dictionaries and text collections / Liste von Grammatiken, Wörterbüchern und Textsammlungen Liste de grammaires, dictionnaires et collections de textes
Grammar: First Aid Kit / Grammaire : Secourisme / Grammatik: Erste-Hilfe-Set transcription mini grammar list of morphemes transcription et orthographe grammaire minimale liste de morphèmes Umschrift Mini-Grammatik Morphemliste
Online resources / Sources en-ligne :
1. Survey articles / Articles généraux :
Balochistan: Language, Literature by Elfenbein 1989 in Encylopædia Iranica Balochistan: Geography, History by Spooner 1989 in Encylopædia Iranica Grierson 1921: Linguistic Survey of India X: Specimens of Languages of the Eranian Family (Balochi: pp. 327-451) Geiger 1901: "Die Sprache der Balutschen" 2. Other books and articles / Autres sources :
2.1 Eastern Balochi / Le baloutchi oriental :
Mayer 1909: English-Biluchi dictionary Dames 1881: A Sketch of the Northern Balochi Language, containing a grammar, vocabulary and specimens of the language
and its glossary as databaseDames 1922: A text book of the Balochi language : consisting of miscellaneous stories, legends, poems and Balochi-English vocabulary Dames: Popular Poetry of the Baloches vol. I (1906), vol. II (1907)
and its glossary as databaseMumtaz Ahmad 1985: Baluchi glossary: a Baluchi-English glossary: elementary level as database 2.2 Southern Balochi / Le baloutchi méridional :
Balochi-English dictionary (database), Uppsala 2019 Balochi-Balochi dictionary Sayad Ganj, Karachi 2000 (previous servers: no. 1, no. 2) Collett 1986: A grammar, phrase book and vocabulary of Baluchi: (as spoken in the Sultanate of Oman): its glossary as database Jahani 2019: A Grammar of Modern Standard Balochi (proposal for a standard language and orthography) Balochi-English dictionary (Uppsala) 2.3 Western Balochi / Le baloutchi occidental :
Barker & Mengal 1969: A Course in Balochi, 2 vol.
and its glossary as databaseSistan:
Barjasteh Delforooz 2010: Discourse Features in Balochi of Sistan (Oral Narratives) Rzehak 2009: "Code-Copying in the Balochi Language of Sistan" 2.4 Iranian Balochi (other than Sistan) / Les autres parlers du baloutchi iranien :
Okati 2012: The Vowel Systems of Five Iranian Balochi Dialects Nourzaei 2017: Participant Reference in Three Balochi Dialects: Male and Female Narrations of Folktales and Biographical Tales 2.5 Koroshi / Le korochi :
Nourzaei, Jahani & Anonby 2015: Koroshi: A Corpus-based Grammatical Description 3. Other links / Quelques liens supplémentaires :
The Balochi language project (materials from Uppsala university)
Maps / Cartes / Karten:
Dialect groups / Dialectes du baloutchi Distribution of Baloch iranische Sprachen / Iranian languages
Miscellaneous / Il y a aussi ceci :
Balochistan: Music by Massoudieh 1989 in Encylopædia Iranica Balochistan: Carpets by Azadi 1989 in Encylopædia Iranica Radio Balochi (Stockholm) Balochi folktales on App Some important pioneers in Balochi linguistics:
Christian Lassen Heinrich Hübschmann George Abraham Grierson Christian Bartholomae Wilhelm Geiger Georg Morgenstierne Vera S. Rastorgueva Ilya Gershevitch D. Neil MacKenzie
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