Bedrohte kaukasische Sprachen in Georgien
საფრთხეში მყოფი კავკასიური ენები საქართველოში
Endangered Caucasian Languages in Georgia

Speaker of Tsova-Tush working with a spinning wheel

English English

Georgian ქართულად

Von der Volkswagen-Stiftung im Rahmen des Programms Dokumentation bedrohter Sprachen gefördertes Gemeinschaftsprojekt

Das Projekt, das ab 2002 von der Volkswagen-Stiftung gefördert wird, setzt sich zum Ziel, drei in Georgien gesprochene, als bedroht geltende kaukasische Sprachen, nämlich das Batsische oder Tsova-Tuschische, das Svanische und das Udische, in ihrer heutigen Verwendung zu dokumentieren und einer weitergehenden linguistischen Erforschung zu erschließen.

   Beteiligte Personen

Group of Svan speakers

Deutsch Deutsch

Georgian ქართულად

Common project, supported by Volkswagen Foundation within the program Documentation of Endangered Languages

The project, which has been founded by Volkswagen Foundation since 2002, focusses on three endangered Caucasian languages spoken in Georgia. Within the project, the three languages in question, viz. Batsbi (also named Tsova-Tush), Svan, and Udi, will be documented  with audio-visual means to provide a basis for all kinds of investigations into their linguistic features.

   Individual projects
   Project partners

Udi informant

German Deutsch

English English

VW ფონდის მიერ პროგრამის “DoBeS” ფარგლებში დაფინანსებული ერთობლივი პროექტი

პროექტი მიზნად ისახავს

   პროექტში მონაწილე

Zusätzliche Informationen Additional information დამატებითი ინფორმაცია
Das DOBES-Archiv (MPI Nijmegen) The DOBES Archive (MPI Nijmegen)

DOBESის არქივი

Im Hintergrund dargestellt ist eine Seite aus der ersten svanischen Fibel, Lušnu anban.
The background displays a page of the first Svan primer, Lušnu anban.

Copyright Jost Gippert / Manana Tandashvili Frankfurt 2002-2010. No parts of this document may be republished in any form without prior permission by the copyright holder. 24.1.2010